Wednesday, February 9, 2011

BRAD & ANGELINA...I kinda get it now

OK...UNCLE...Yes, it's official I'm a mush when it comes to these children. I'm working in a severe poverty stricken area here in Africa however these children are unlike any other human beings I've ever come in contact with. They exude LOVE and affection. All they want to do is show you how much they appreciate you being there for them. Let me set the scene a little since I can't upload pics just yet... The children I'm working with at the moment are between the ages of 2 & 5. I have 36 children in my class w two helpers. NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH. They all understand each other but have different dialects. Just like the National Geographic Documentary...they "click" when they speak... it's the coolest language ever. (I chew gum sometimes when I teach so I hope it doesn't throw them off) AND I too am learning their language...they have only a small amount of children's books so we go over them many times a day...I point to the dog & say "DOG" , they repeat it and say it in their language for me..I try my best to "click & speak" at the same time but so far I bit my tongue twice and spit all over the place.
All of the children have runny noses, coughing, sneezing and rotten teeth, YET THEY SHOW UP FOR SCHOOL EVERYDAY ON TIME...What are sick days?? Other volunteers in the past have built a small school for them w running water and a bathroom (I have yet to use in case you're wondering..I hold it all day). However there is no soap and when they go to the bathroom they do not use toilet paper. I feel spoiled just typing this. I asked the nursery school go to person to write down a list of things they need for the school and walked into town and got them everything on the list. I think it was equal to $50 USD. To those of you who donated clothes...they were a smash hit! Thank you & please tell your children how much they helped the children here. And, my blond hair, as soon as I sat down to their level they began to make a funny "Woo" noise and "click, click, click" everyone took turns stroking the locks. I hope my hair dresser is reading this.
more to come!


  1. AMAZING Jacqui!!! You must teach me how to click and speak without spitting when you return :)

  2. Sounds amazing! Keep the stories coming!
