Monday, February 14, 2011


Does anyone know if there is a sunblock 200 out there? It seems even when I cover myself with solid lead the sun still manages to burn me like turkey dinner. I could have saved some money and skipped getting my roots done before making the trip here because the African sun has bleached my hair white. Along with the white hair & sunburn I now have little insect bites all over my arms & legs. (Someone call Karl Lagerfeld & The House of CHANEL, I have the new look all the designers are trying to come up with)
Speaking of famous men we all know...I went to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner along with several other political leaders for decades. The tours are given by former prisoners and LOTS of pictures were taken so be patient. The area around the ferry everyone takes to Robben Island is quite nice and Hallmark-ish. Hard to believe there is a prison less than a mile across the water. Those of us born into a free country are incredibly fortunate. I could not imagine being put into this place just because I spoke my mind about our president and government...I mean, what would become of cast of Saturday Night LIVE?
This brings me to my little "sweet-peas" I'm working with right now. Today I made them all honorary bratty, get something for nothing, American-ized kids....yes, that's right...I bought them all tons of toys!! Before they ate their lunch, before they cleaned up their little areas and washing hands was optional. I bet you can figure out what the English phrase of the day was..."SPOILED ROTTEN". Now that they know their A,B C's & 1,2,3's as well as "gimme", "mine" and "playstation". (ok, maybe not playstation because there is no electricity...but as soon as Thomas Edison finds his way here, watch out!)
HA! More posts soon!
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